Title : Fatal Countdown – immoral List of Desires
Original Title : 命のカウントダウン~背徳者の欲望リスト
Original Title : 命のカウントダウン~背徳者の欲望リスト
Developer : Secret Garden
Language : English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Germany, Thai (Official)
Released date : 2024-07-17 (Last Update)
Order disappeared overnight in the sudden artillery fire. The usually safe city had now become a dangerous area. Faced with the lack of resources, were you going to sit there and wait for your doom or go to save your own companions and escape with them from the city that had been transformed into hell…
V1.17 Changelog
1.Several bug fixes.
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
LINK DOWNLOAD ( 829 MB / V.1.17 )