Title : Buka Ore x Onna Joushi/Kashidashi Play = ??? ~Buka no Ore ni Kashidasareta Hitozuma Onna Joushi, Yukana~, The Subordinate and Female Boss Lending Play
Original title : 部下俺×女上司/貸し出しプレイ=??? 〜部下の俺に貸し出された人妻女上司、由佳菜〜
Aliases : 部下の妻と妹を寝取る上司(オジサン), 部下の妻と妹を寝取る上司(おじさん)
Developer : Atelier Sakura
Released date : 2024-09-19 (en)
Language : Japanese, English (Edited MTL)
Misato Yukana is my female boss at work, and she is a famously stubborn woman who never talks about anything other than work.
She told me to make time to talk to her, so I reluctantly went to meet her, and there I found my female boss and her husband.
“Would you like to have sex with my wife?”