Title : The Endless Cave – Magi Livellouli, The Infinite Cave of Magi Riverly
Original Title : マギ・リヴェルリの無限洞窟
Original Title : マギ・リヴェルリの無限洞窟
Language : English, Japanese (Official)
Developer : yahiruzu
Released date : 2024-08-21 (en)
A real-time ecchi dungeon that can be played even when left completely unattended!
The game progresses without stopping, and the standing picture changes one after another.
Defeat the enemies who attack you with erotic attacks, and don’t let the erotic traps get you down,
Defeat the whore Reverie who lurks in the deepest part of the dungeon.
The game is over when both of them are in a state of “full restraint”.