Title : Summer Clover + Bonus Soundtrack + Artbook
Original Title : 夏色クローバー
Original Title : 夏色クローバー
Language : Japanese, English, CHinese, Korean (Official)
Developer : Connection
Released date : 2024-07-23 (Last Update)
Experience a summer like never before as you become a live-in housekeeper for three charming sisters (and your supportive supervisor).
Changelog V1.10
1.Fixed some animation display issues.
2.Fixed the issue where Kasumi’s onsen UI sound effects were not controlled by the settings.
3.Fixed the issue where the save file might be corrupted for a small number of players.
4.Fixed the issue where some dialogues did not have voice acting.
5.Optimized the text (translation and typo-related content).
LINK DOWNLOAD ( 4.47 GB / V1.10 )